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The Death Star Core is an element that at the moment has no use. It is intended to be used for a team deathmatch style game mode that currently has not been released.


When attempting to place this block, the game will output the following message:

"This element cannot be placed. How did you even get it?"

Defence SD Shield Disperser SD Shield DisperserFile:Cloaker.png Cloaker10x RadarJammer 10x RadarJammer
CPU's File:Missile Computer.png Missile ComputerFile:Cannon Computer.png Cannon ComputerSD-BB Missile Computer SD-BB Missile ComputerD1000 Missile CPU D1000 Missile CPU
Weapons AntiMatter Cannon AntiMatter CannonFile:SD KB Missile Array.png SD KB Missile ArrayFile:SD-BB Missile Array.png SD-BB Missile ArrayD1000 Missile Array D1000 Missile Array
Natural Cactus Cactus
Power SD pc1.3 Power Tank SD pc1.3 Power TankFile:SD Hct xm3.4 Power.png SD Hct xm3.4 Power
Construction Materials File:Hull.png HullFile:Hardened Hull.png Hardened Hull
Ship Building Gravity Unit Gravity UnitHyperflux Coil Thruster Hyperflux Coil Thruster
Misc File:SD Docking Unit.png SD Docking UnitFile:ID List.png ID ListFaction Module Faction ModuleFile:Death Star Core.png Death Star Core